2799 - Running Water

Tube-lining: Black
Enamels: Scarlet &  black
Lustres: Orange
Glaze: Mottled
Frequency Ranking: Rare
Design Date: 1933
Production Period: 1933
Pattern Name: Authors invention

There is a blog post here https://rhead-crownducal.blogspot.com/2017/10/charlotte-rhead-pattern-2799-identified.html written about the discovery of the pattern number for this design. Examples are rare. At the time of writing in March 2019 the number of observations is limited to two shape 148 vases and the bowl in the picture below. The pattern number predates the start entry of the surviving pattern books so there is no period documentation to reference.

Charlotte Rhead Crown Ducal pattern 2799 Running Water
Pattern 2799 Running Water
It is obviously the sister design to Aztec pattern 2800 which was by far the more popular. But being a numbered design there are probably more examples waiting to be discovered somewhere.